Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Himba, The Most Beautiful Tribals In Africa

Himba people live in northern Nambia and they breed goats and cattle. The women are pretty extraordinary and in some cases noted as the most beautiful people in Africa. The women cover themselves twice a day with otjitze which consists of butter fat and ochre. It is thought that otjitze protects their skin when out in the sun but also but also gives the skin a reddish tint. The red color represents the earth's giving and beauty.

The women are responsible with milking the cows, caring for children and caring out more intensive labor than men. The men are responsible for political tasks. These people will never wash even after childbirth instead they use fragrances and dust to be cleansed. Women wear ankle straps with beads for protection form poisonous snakes. The boys are traditionally circumcised and marriages are arranged when the child is 14 to 17 years of age.

Droughts and guerrilla warfare thorough the years have been difficult for this tribe however, their culture has been preserved due to seclusion and tourism. Some of the Himba live on wildlife preserves. Mobile schools allow the children to gain knowledge. Their god is Mukuru and they have a spiritual connection with an ancestral fire. A fire-keeper is in charge of this and they communicate with their god for the interest of the family. Their god is pretty busy with distant realms therefore the ancestors intervene for Mukuru. Their god gives only blessings where as ancestors can dish out blessings and curses.

This is fascinating to see a culture that is much more diverse than Iowa. It is interesting to learn that these people never bath or wash but instead rely on strong perfumes and special dust to cleanse themselves. It is also cool to see that these people coat there skin with otjize. The otjize symbolizes the earth's color and protection from the sun this fascinating that this home remedy works as sun tan lotion.


"BBC NEWS Africa Aids Threatens Namibia Tribe's Traditions. "BBC NEWS News Front Page. Web. 16 Apr. 2010 image of map where the Himba people live.

Himba-Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia." Main Page-Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web 16 Apr. 2010

"The Himba, The Most Beautiful Tribals In Africa. "Upload and Share Power Point Presentations and Documents. Web. 16 Apr. 2010

Click through this power point and see some pictures and read more on the Himba tribe.

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